Author: Kathy Masterson

About The Author

The newest member of the Changing Ireland team, Kathy hails from Dublin but has been living in Co Clare for more than a decade. She has worked in regional newspapers in Limerick, Wexford, Kildare and Dublin; her work has also featured in several national newspapers and magazines. She is most proud of the fact that she has travelled to all 32 counties of Ireland, and once drove a Formula 3 racing car around Mondello.

€2.4 million funding boost for walking trails

Funding of €2.4 million has been granted to develop 70 new walking trails across the country.

The development forms part of a planned major expansion of the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Walks Scheme, which will see the number of outdoor trails increase from 80 to 150 over the next two years.

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Volunteers prove towns such as Skerries need Community Cars

The North Dublin coastal town of Skerries might not be the first place that comes to mind when we think of areas in Ireland that have issues with transport. However, as Patricia Cassidy of Local Link points out, public transport is only accessible for those who can walk to the nearest bus stop or train station.
Recognising the need among Skerries’ older population for a safe, reliable and affordable door-to-door service, the town’s community car initiative was established in November 2019.

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