Author: Kathy Masterson

About The Author

The newest member of the Changing Ireland team, Kathy hails from Dublin but has been living in Co Clare for more than a decade. She has worked in regional newspapers in Limerick, Wexford, Kildare and Dublin; her work has also featured in several national newspapers and magazines. She is most proud of the fact that she has travelled to all 32 counties of Ireland, and once drove a Formula 3 racing car around Mondello.

Landmark research shows impact of discrimination and poor accommodation on Traveller men

“I can’t go to any bar. They hear my accent, look at my appearance and they think I’m violent, it’s that negative stereotype,” – Martin Mongan, Donegal Travellers Project
A major study of Travellers’ lives in Dublin published in mid-February pointed to racism and discrimination for directly leading to many Traveller suicides. Research among a smaller group, focused specifically on Traveller men’s mental health, came to the same conclusion. This study was launched in December in Donegal and it marked the first time that Travellers themselves conducted all the research.
Facilitated by David Friel, the first Traveller in the North West to be educated to Masters level, the research paints a picture of the daily lives of 12 Traveller men living in Donegal.

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 National PPN awareness campaign launched

A new awareness campaign for Public Participation Networks (PPNs) was launched this week to encourage community groups to join and have their voice heard in local decision-making.

The campaign also aims to encourage groups that represent young and marginalised people to join their local PPN.

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Success for Erris Family Resource Centre campaign

The three-year campaign for a Family Resource Centre (FRC) in Erris, north-west Mayo, was finally brought to a successful conclusion on October 25. 

Tusla CEO Bernard Gloster and regional and area managers confirmed to the local steering committee that funding was on the way for the long-awaited facility. 

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Shamrock Squad working to make the outdoors accessible to all

An initiative founded by two women hoping to open up more outdoor spaces to children with additional needs was named the winner of the Champion Changemakers National Pitch-Fest in late 2022.

Shamrock Squad Adventures, from RDI Hub and Dingle Hub in Kerry, received a prize bursary of supports and services valued at €10,000 to further develop their project. 

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