Heating bills now negligible, say volunteers. Voluntary effort to install solar panels renews church’s place as a community hub

The choir is no longer singing for its supper at St Mogue’s, a small and historic church in Fethard-on-Sea, Co Wexford. The local church committee fundraised to install solar panels on the roof last year and heating costs have plummeted.

St Mogue’s committee members believe it may be the first church in Ireland to install solar panels on the roof.

While bills had been crippling, the transition to solar means the church will be warmly heated throughout for community choir performances – twenty are planned for this year. The choir has financial backing from Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board and over 50 people attended the first performance.

Concert in St Mary’s Community Hall to raise funds for heating for St Mogue’s in 2021

Martin Reading, a retired community worker, is a member of the church’s voluntary group overseeing the its renaissance. He said, “Running costs of the church had been spiraling and the community was looking for ways to alleviate the expenses, particularly the heating bills.”

Martin and the committee hope that, with time, the church will attain a standard where cultural events such as concerts and art exhibitions can be held there. They want the church space to be of use to the community.

“We want this delightful acoustic space to provide a venue for the strong artist community in the area, which would in turn provide some income to maintain the building, which is a listed heritage structure,” said Martin.

He said there was a lot of voluntary work involved in getting planning permission to install the solar panels, and then to apply for funding to help with the cost. But the cost is being repaid and electricity bills are now negligible.

“The next priority is to install toilets and facilities for making a cup of tea to turn the historic building into a real community resource,” added Martin.