Author: Kathy Masterson

About The Author

The newest member of the Changing Ireland team, Kathy hails from Dublin but has been living in Co Clare for more than a decade. She has worked in regional newspapers in Limerick, Wexford, Kildare and Dublin; her work has also featured in several national newspapers and magazines. She is most proud of the fact that she has travelled to all 32 counties of Ireland, and once drove a Formula 3 racing car around Mondello.

Local development company speaks out against Coolock violence, but says “space for dialogue” is needed

Northside Partnership, a local development company based in Coolock says it “cannot condone” the violence which took place at the ex-Crown Paints factory site this week, nor the “misinformation and disinformation that has been spread surrounding the plans for this site”.

However, the organisation added that it is making efforts to fully understand the motivation behind the event, and called on the government and key stakeholders to “create a space for dialogue with all concerned parties in this community”.

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