Author: Kathy Masterson

About The Author

The newest member of the Changing Ireland team, Kathy hails from Dublin but has been living in Co Clare for more than a decade. She has worked in regional newspapers in Limerick, Wexford, Kildare and Dublin; her work has also featured in several national newspapers and magazines. She is most proud of the fact that she has travelled to all 32 counties of Ireland, and once drove a Formula 3 racing car around Mondello.

Agencies would be at a loss without Traveller culture training workshops

Traveller culture awareness workshops in Co. Wexford are improving the ability of employees in state agencies to deliver services for the Traveller population. The workshops have also been held in primary schools, increasing awareness among the general school population and instilling pride among Traveller children in particular. Such workshops also take place in other counties; we focused on one county to see the difference they make.

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